Miracles of Baba Sali הגדל

Miracles of Baba Sali - R. Abraham Mugrabi
Miracles of Baba Sali - R. Abraham Mugrabi

Records of many wonders performed by the tzadiq, the holy Rabbi Israel Abihatsera.The author is a member of the Abehsera family and served the tzadik for many years.

פרטים נוספים


ID : 8342

נושא : sipurim

שנה : 2018

מס כרכים : 1

סוג כריכה : קשה

מס עמודים : 292

גודל : 23.5x16

מידע נוסף

Records of many wonders performed by the tzadiq, the holy Rabbi Israel Abihatsera.The author is a member of the Abehsera family and served the tzadik for many years.


אין עדיין חוות דעת של לקוחות.

כתוב ביקורת

Miracles of Baba Sali

Miracles of Baba Sali

Records of many wonders performed by the tzadiq, the holy Rabbi Israel Abihatsera.The author is a member of the Abehsera family and served the tzadik for many years.