Tales from the Zohar Bereshit הגדל

Tales from the Zohar Bereshit - R. David Batsri
Tales from the Zohar Genesis - R. David Batsri

A collection of anecdotes and teachings from the Zohar. Part 1 GENESIS translated into Hebrew and into English by Edward Levin.

פרטים נוספים


ID : 991

נושא : sipurim

שנה : 1992

מס כרכים : 1

סוג כריכה : קשה

מס עמודים : 440

גודל : 22x14

מידע נוסף

A collection of anecdotes and teachings from the Zohar. Part 1 GENESIS translated into Hebrew and into English by Edward Levin.


אין עדיין חוות דעת של לקוחות.

כתוב ביקורת

Tales from the Zohar Bereshit

Tales from the Zohar Bereshit

A collection of anecdotes and teachings from the Zohar. Part 1 GENESIS translated into Hebrew and into English by Edward Levin.